We would like to offer a warm welcome to Helen Williams who has joined the team as Participation and Engagement Officer. Helen brings lots of skills to the team and we wish her luck in her new role. Helen has shared an introduction which is attached.
We are delighted to share a great new Healthy Eating Activity Pack produced by the Partnership Board and our Partners. The pack is for people with learning disabilities and families and carers who support them. It contains information, activities and quizzes. Find it here: Healthy Living Activity Pack
A week of virtual, online events marks Safeguarding Week 20-24th June. The events are hosted by North Yorkshire County Council and Partners across North Yorkshire, East Riding and City of York. Register early for events. Find out more here: Events and Latest News | North Yorkshire Partnerships (nypartnerships.org.uk). The programme of events can be accessed below:
You are invited to a report launch! Healthwatch North Yorkshire, Healthwatch York and North Yorkshire County Council have been working together to learn about people’s experiences of receiving information and communication in an accessible format that they can understand. Healthwatch are preparing a report and recommendations and will share the results at two virtual launch on: Tuesday 21 June at 10.30am and Thursday 23 June at 6pm.
Book using this link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/accessible-information-report-launch-tickets-323237621427
This week, Mon 23rd – Sunday 29th May is National Epilepsy week. ‘Epilepsy affects over half a million people in the UK’. Epilepsy Action have Easy Read resources you can download and podcasts you can listen to if you want to learn more. Click HERE.
The British Institute of Human Rights (BIHR) have worked with Warrington Speak Up group and Photosymbols to create some postcards in Easy Read about Human Rights. The cards can be downloaded and you will find them here: Human Rights Postcards.
Learning Disability England and Partners would like to talk to people with learning disabilities who rent their own homes. If you, or someone you know would like to share your experiences about what works well and what does not, you can read more HERE. Or you can contact Eppie at eppie.leishman@york.ac.uk.
NHS England and NHS Improvement are writing a plan to work together with people and communities. You can take part in their survey and give your views. The closing date is quite soon: 30th May. An Easy Read version is available. You can take part by following this link: Health and Care Services Survey. If you need support to take part you can call: 07901 521646.
It’s not too late to join in May Measurement Month – go and get your blood pressure checked! The International Society for Hypertension want to raise awareness about the risks of high blood pressure. Did you know you can get your blood pressure checked at many community pharmacies? The Healthier Lives group in Bradford and Craven have shared a video you can watch: Blood Pressure Visit.